What is the spiritual meaning of Buzzard? The Buzzard is giving you permission to enjoy freedom.
Why does the Buzzard appear now? The Buzzard inspires new vision, freedom the it brings the beginning of a purification process.
How do I call upon the Buzzard? The Buzzard will find you, instinct will guide it to you. Your instinct will tell you what the Buzzard brings.
In Dreams: The Buzzard in flight is releasing your burden, encouraging you to release all baggage and enjoy the freedom. A Buzzard looking at you is to inspire you, a recent loss has caused distress. The Buzzard takes all that is good and recycles, prophecy brings experience. The Buzzard circling above is about purification and rebirth, the circle of life, ascension, rising above and learning.
If a buzzard has made themselves known to you they are providing a message, if the buzzard keeps appearing then take time out and think about the message that is being repeated:
A buzzard flying and obviously displaying their skills for you to see, might be explaining freedom. The message might be about how constrained you are and how you need to let go of what serves no purpose.
This same buzzard might swoop and dive for its prey, the message is about targeting and seeking its prey. It is time to home in on your target, the message from this buzzard is clear. You have done your home work, you understand what is involved, you have all the information so now is the time to go for it. Make your move and move in on whatever it is that has been causing you to hesitate. Now is the time.
The rich brown colours of the buzzard provide the perfect camoflague when it is resting in the trees, it becomes invisible as it rests or sleeps. In flight its underside is silver, grey, blue and brown... it is invisible to the prey it hunts. If the buzzard swoops for the kill it is unusual to miss the target, because it has prepared well and waited for the opportunity.
The Buzzard eating might be telling you to just stop. Take time out and enjoy all that you have, watching a buzzard eating is absolutely brutal and it is easy to turn the head and avoid the savagery. But the buzzard is preventing decay, the buzzard is enjoying its meal. it hunts to survive, this is purely the circle of life. It is enjoying the spoils of the hunt or celebrating the life of another, it is recycling and purifying the Earth. Life is for living.
Once the buzzard has eaten it will fly high and take full advantage of the warm air currents and thermal lifts, the higher it flys the easier it is too fly and the more freedom it has to stay in the air without effort. A high flying buzzard has learned how to live, laugh and love life.