Animal Spirit Oracle Deck
These images are from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck, more information available here.
Pheasant - Animal Spirit Oracle Deck - Animal Spirit Oracle - Spirit Animal - Totem - Spirit Guide - Fire Elementals
Key Words:
Perseverence - Experience - Intuition
What is the spiritual meaning of Pheasant?
You are an old soul who has come a long way, experience and intuition come naturally to you.
Why does the Pheasant appear now?
It is a reminder that you are old school! Traditional! Beyond Question.
How do I call upon Pheasant?
To rise before the sun comes up and be ready to enjoy the first golden rays on the horizon.
Pheasant is all about masculinity, the admiration of the sun, the summer and the autumn.
With gold comes luck, health, wealth and happiness. The heat of midday, a mid summer sun, the gold rays of morning sun breaking the clouds, there is always hope. Naturally happy when the sun shines, pheasant brings its own luck in abundance.
The Pheasant believes the laws of attraction were made for him, naturally flambouyant, a flare for flash, if you've got it flaunt it and flaunt it to the max. The male pheasant is all male, everything about him screams masculinity. The beauty of maleness is not lost on this bird, the gold plumage, the strut of the walk, he walks like a king, talks like a gigolo and has the heart of a child. His appeal is to the Maiden, Mother and Crone and he laughs at this image. Only humour can carry this image, and he has humour with abundance.
Only an old soul would have this much confidence, perseverence has brought him to where he wants to be. Pheasant glories in this persona, he has worked hard and continues to work hard to maintain this air of heirs. Inherited from a long line of ancestors with future generations a fore-gone conclusion, the line of succession will continue.
Healing Influence: Mental health, wellness, wellbeing are never called into question with Pheasant, the gold that he carries attracts all that is good in the world and he is happy to carry it with pride and passion. The passion burns for all things the natural laws of attraction bring everything forward to this king of kings.
Tarot Influence: 7 of Wands – True victory is continuous, a work in progress, take the higher ground, rise above it.
Know Your Own Magnificence
Key Words:
Perseverence - Experience - Intuition
What is the spiritual meaning of Pheasant?
You are an old soul who has come a long way, experience and intuition come naturally to you.
Why does the Pheasant appear now?
It is a reminder that you are old school! Traditional! Beyond Question.
How do I call upon Pheasant?
To rise before the sun comes up and be ready to enjoy the first golden rays on the horizon.
Pheasant is all about masculinity, the admiration of the sun, the summer and the autumn.
With gold comes luck, health, wealth and happiness. The heat of midday, a mid summer sun, the gold rays of morning sun breaking the clouds, there is always hope. Naturally happy when the sun shines, pheasant brings its own luck in abundance.
The Pheasant believes the laws of attraction were made for him, naturally flambouyant, a flare for flash, if you've got it flaunt it and flaunt it to the max. The male pheasant is all male, everything about him screams masculinity. The beauty of maleness is not lost on this bird, the gold plumage, the strut of the walk, he walks like a king, talks like a gigolo and has the heart of a child. His appeal is to the Maiden, Mother and Crone and he laughs at this image. Only humour can carry this image, and he has humour with abundance.
Only an old soul would have this much confidence, perseverence has brought him to where he wants to be. Pheasant glories in this persona, he has worked hard and continues to work hard to maintain this air of heirs. Inherited from a long line of ancestors with future generations a fore-gone conclusion, the line of succession will continue.
Healing Influence: Mental health, wellness, wellbeing are never called into question with Pheasant, the gold that he carries attracts all that is good in the world and he is happy to carry it with pride and passion. The passion burns for all things the natural laws of attraction bring everything forward to this king of kings.
Tarot Influence: 7 of Wands – True victory is continuous, a work in progress, take the higher ground, rise above it.
Know Your Own Magnificence
Animal Spirit Oracle deckAnimal Spirit Oracle Deck.
52 Cards with a unique beautiful hand crafted image on every card. These cards come from a place of love, illustrated by Sonia Parker, channelled by Bruce Clifton. Ever wondered why that animal appeared now? unlock your higher self. Understand the power of synchronicity, learn of your hidden potential, discover who your animal spirit guides are, and manifest your own health, wealth and happiness. |