What is the spiritual Meaning or Essence of squirrel? The Squirrel will bring enthusiasm into every situation; it is keen to please and will share knowledge at every opportunity. A little knowledge can lead to mischief by understanding squirrel the mischief can be avoided.
Why does squirrel appear now? Squirrel has the enthusiasm of a young child, with careful supervision it will achieve anything. There is someone close that needs careful handling before they create mischief.
How do I call upon squirrel? Look to the forest floor and you will see where squirrel has been, it isn’t unknown for them to throw she empty shells of their fruits at passers by. If you look for them, they will find you.
With the squirrel in your energy, enthusiasm is in abundance, knowledge is easily gained. The squirrel is a survivor, both clever and cunning; it has the capacity to work out a problem and the “can do” attitude to overcome it.
The squirrel is versatile and self-sufficient, it will create a home (Drey) for convenience and has been known to frequent two homes; one for winter, birthing and rearing a family and one for summer which consists of a platform to sunbathe and to cool in the heat. The female (Doe) squirrel has earned many titles; Queen, Warrior, Mother and provider. She will produce offspring twice each year and she will decide when. If food becomes scarce, squirrel will conserve her energy by returning home to nurse the children, and from here demand her mate provides. As squirrel warrior she will fight all comers to secure the best place to raise a family, injuring, maiming or killing any squirrel that stands in her way. With her territory established squirrel will choose her mate and stay with him until a better suited mate proves his worthiness. It is not unknown for her to injure him during mating, she is born to be mother and she will complete her destiny no matter the cost. With her territory established, mate chosen, food in abundance squirrel is ready to be mother and will produce offspring twice every year for as long as she remains Queen of all she surveys. Squirrels do not hibernate but will spend more time in slumber during the winter months. They are solitary creatures rarely coming together except to mate. The queen during the winter months will return to her home (dray) and will have her own hidden food stash nearby.
The squirrel (buck) male is quick to befriend others and will remain a loyal friend, the strength and loyalty of the buck who is quick to share, quick to learn and keen to please. A family who eats together stay together, if the squirrel shares his food then he is in good company and will provide protection and safety for those around him. The queen is ruler and her king will appease her following.
According to Nordic legend Squirrel (Ratatoskr) is the mischief maker, who takes pleasure in creating mischief. Yggdrassil is the tree of life who traps a demon in her roots, Nidhogg is the serpent who gnaws through the roots to free the demon said to be trapped for all eternity in another world. The Hawk sits between the eyes of the unnamed eagle in the uppermost branches of Yggdrasil. The Squirrel (Ratatoskr) runs to Nidhogg with slanderous rumours and then up to the Hawk to provoke reaction, returning to Nidhogg to once again incite and provoke reaction, spending his days provoking the two.