This is an extract from our book published 31st August 2018
Joseph of Arimithea (International Diplomat)
Many of the merchants in Cornwall spoke many languages; both Jesus and Lazarus were linguists and able to speak their languages. Foreign visitors to Nazareth and Jerusalem also made their way to this place. Merchant seamen traded in the same places so communication was easier here than in other places. The ports on the coast of Africa had been hostile and busy, the boys stayed below deck with Mary Salome organising lessons, keeping them occupied and out of harm’s way. The voyage to Briton was troublesome for Mary Salome, being pregnant at sea with two boys to entertain proved to be challenging. Tired and weary she accepted the offer to stay at the sanctuary with the children. This sanctuary today would be recognised as a convent. In this place, it is a refuge for widows created from the battlefields. Created as a legacy of Branwen who upon her return from Ireland surrounded herself with women and never let another man cast his eyes on her again. Adopted by the Ohn Grove on her death, together with the Ruis Grove they ensured that her legacy continued. The women smothered Jesus and Lazarus with the love; it was to be a month before Joseph of Aramathea, Bran the Blessed & Zebedee husband of Mary Salome were to return. Joseph and Zebedee gained the experience of guiding a Veniti merchant ship around the Coast of Briton. During this month of rest and recuperation, Prosutagus introduced himself to them; he had met them on arrival and made them feel welcome. He was himself alone and struggling; sent there by his father for reasons unknown to him. He was two years older than the boys and together they became firm friends, a trio of boisterous entertainment for the women to smother in kindness. Bran had with him two very large dogs that were obedient and loyal to him, they were fearsome to look at and few people dared approach them. To see Bran without these loyal beasts was a rarity as they always watched him from a distance and always ready to come close, Jesus had seen them and called them in, he stood with one at each side of him as everyone turned and realised what he had done. The dogs stood guard at his side and Bran gave the order to go back out, they instead stood with Jesus and Bran repeated the command, Joseph summoned Jesus to his side and the dogs returned to their observation point to watch Bran. All that saw this innocent exchange became aware that Jesus was a gifted child and were also aware his innocence needed nurturing. The nuns of the Ruis Grove were given instructions for the three boys.
Arriving at Amlwch in Anglesey, Zebedee was glad to see Anna; it had been ten years since she had left Jerusalem; he remembered her as a child and with pride he recalled his memories; he had gifts from his Mother and much news of local dramas and events of the day. He shared telling the tales of Jesus with Joseph, each of them having a unique insight into the miracle he was becoming and the troubles he aroused within the local communities. Both Beli and Anna were disappointed at not meeting the young Jesus on this trip. Bran explained how he had seen with his own eyes how his dogs had come to Jesus and how Jesus had no fear.
Joseph upon his return to Jerusalem continued to live with Malachi for a further two years. After having spent four years living and learning with Malachi, he would have been approaching his twenty first birthday, having established himself as a multi linguist, a translator and already a successful businessman, trading around the Indian ocean for spices and the ever popular silks that were becoming fashionable in the growing Roman empire. It is without a doubt he would have known of the imposing might of the growing Roman military and the dominance of Rome across the Mediterranean. Joseph had a keen mind and would have identified opportunities, the Roman Galleys could outrun anything they pursued; modern day Tunisia had been the last stronghold that opposed the Romans, with the ocean corridors between the pillars of Hercules, (Gibraltar Straits) and the Cartagia (Tunisia) and Sicily corridor controlled by Rome virtually all trading was now under the control of Rome. Joseph had returned home after living under the influence of “Malachi”, his beliefs and philosophy would have been more open than most. “Malachi” believed in multiple gods and deities he would have believed in the calling in of spirit and direct communication, understanding altered states of consciousness and allowing spirit to work with oneself, working with our ancestors, spirit guides and totems. We know that by the age of twenty one Joseph had travelled around India and travelled to Briton at least once, we know that he spent four years being influenced by Malachi; a druid? And that he was a successful business man and merchant who owned his own trading ships. For him, to see Jesus his young nephew displaying not just one attribute… he had learned of from Malachi but many of them and to see Jesus growing and developing these skills he himself had just learned of; perhaps!… only he understood the true potential of Jesus… Joseph had witnessed firsthand the power Jesus exercised over animals; he had seen Jesus control two giant Irish Wolfhounds he himself had feared. Priests and the Rabbi’s respected Joseph they shared many stories of Jesus and what he has done or performed in public. He knew Jesus caused fear amongst the Jewish leaders, the Roman controllers and the leaders of the communities; he knew a time would come when they would not be able to protect Jesus and he knew it wasn’t far away.
The popularity of Jesus as a young man of just twelve years of age had not gone unnoticed by the Romans. The Jewish communities and Romans saw him as a threat, for his own safety Jesus moved or coerced by family moved from place to place around the towns, villages and cities of the eastern Mediterranean. It was at this point that Joseph of Arimathea was now taking a lead in the young life of Jesus helping to steer him clear of controversy and confrontation, Lazarus younger brother of Mary & Martha was a keen follower and friend of Jesus. Mary was in a position where her influence with her brother also affected Jesus, she could steer Jesus away from unnecessary trouble with careful planning and contacts within her family. What should be remembered is that Judea was a central trading post and that thousands of people moved through here every day? Multiple religions; languages; beliefs were here, the Celts would also have played their part in forming this place. The Celts during this last few hundred years shrunk from the largest independent nation on the planet to one being dominated by the growing Roman Empire. The scholars of this time knew that the Celts had been knocking on the doors of Rome in recent times, and that they did threaten the existence of Rome. The Celtic refugees would have been great in numbers, women and children outnumbering their men by far. A Roman policy was to kill the men or enslave them; also the first male born would have suffered this fate. King Herod less than ten years previously, enforced this policy across all of his lands; such was his fear of the coming of the next messiah…” Jesus.”
The 'establishment' were against any form of religious or political unrest and the popularity of Jesus had become a major concern to just about everyone, with disciples of Jesus preaching his words and disciples of disciples also preaching. Joseph took Jesus to places he had established businesses with and removed him from the hostilities surrounding him at home; the major seaports within the Mediterranean were familiar to him as were the trade routes that his growing fleet of ships had established. One reason Joseph was successful as a merchant was the increasing popularity of fine fabrics and silk amongst the aristocracy of Rome, it was merchants working for Joseph that provided these silks and it was his trade ships that had almost monopolised this commodity and helped him forge relations with Roman diplomats and people in positions of great power within the growing Roman Empire. The trade routes through the red sea to Malaysia and beyond provided the spices, oils and incense that were so craved for by the Roman women, also over land into India where silks and woven materials of such fine quality had an ever increasing popularity within the Roman High society. The war mongers of Rome and the ever increasing legions needed another commodity, the arrival of the iron age from the boundaries of Italy meant the Romans could use stronger weapons, swords used more than once without remoulding, shields that did not buckle, also the simple things, tacks for sandals meaning the Roman legions could march for longer, straps for the wheels of their carts meant they could travel further without fear of stopping for repairs, all of this made easier because of the trade ships and the entrepreneurial skills of Joseph of Arimathea who was also supplying them with “Tin” from the shores of Britain.
Joseph was influenced spiritually by “Malachi” a Celtic Druid, he was raised as a Jew under the Sadducee's influence, he had knowledge and experience of the Celtic Gods and the value the Celtic people placed on oneself, when he arrived in Albion a place known for the “warrior like people and strange customs”, he could talk to them on equal terms, he was a tall man of good stature and solid build, he would have had the knowledge to accept the Celtic customs and would have used his ambassadorial skills to forge friendships and build business